Parliamentary Elections 2024
User Manual for all departments except DEO(P) and DEO(S)
USER manual for DEO(S) and DEO(p)
NextGen Portal Link=>
Important Instructions before entering
- Enter Gender = “M” or “F” carefully as poll duties are assigned on this basis.
- Native assembly segment means birth place constituency
- Residence assembly segment means assembly constituency of residence
- If you select differently abled, give in remarks the percentage of disability. If no remark in case of differently abled, then that employee will not be considered differently abled. Also while submitting the hard copy of data entered to Election office, submit its documentary proof
- If you have completed the data entry and data is complete and correct , Submit the data online . After final submission, Data cannot be edited .It will be available to view only.
- After Final Submission of data , Take print out of following reports .
- Employee Check List.
- Undertaking
Note : All the hard copies must be stamped and signed by the head of the department
– Submit the Hard copies along with proof of BLO/Handicap/Long leave etc. to the election office. Proof should be latest and countersigned and stamped by the concerned HOD.hard copies of data will only be accepted in a single file cover
– EPIC number means Voter ID Card Number
– Vote Regd at AC means assembly constituency where vote is registered
– Part No can be noted from voter id card
– Sr. number can be noted from voter helpline app
– Data will not be accepted if any of the above information is blank.
Note : Please Ensure submission of hard copies (Undertaking & Checklist) to the election office SAS Nagar after signed and stamping from HOD of Department. The staff deputed by District Election office will check the employees data entered online by your office on portal “”. If data found to be OK, then it will be accepted otherwise it will be returned back to your office for modification.